About Us
Affordable Homes Built to Suit your Dream
Blue Water Homes is one of South East Queensland’s leading independent home builders. Dedicated to creating beautiful, quality homes, our staff work with you to find a plan to suit you and your family. We take into consideration; your block of
land and location, desired features, floor space, overall look and feel, as well as your budget.
We strive to build high quality homes to suit your needs. Our job is to make the
process of building simple and enjoyable. We pride ourselves in communication
and high standards, with our own team of qualified trades you can be sure your
home’s standards and finishes are next to none.
David Smith
Meet the Team
We are a professional home design and building company and are
always ready to help you. Blue Water Homes was established in 2006
and are revered for our designs, quality, craftsmanship, service and
attention to detail. Having started as an apprentice at age 17, owner
and project manager David Smith comes with over 35 years experience
in all aspects of the building industry. You can feel assured that we
know what we are doing!